Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Wild Weekend

Tops and Plops for this weekend.

+hilarity on the radio saturday morning, including me saying that the Bro-Core Nation is most definitely a gang.
+spending a lot of money at the comic store on, for a lack of a better term, art books. "And we become what we hate..."
+Getting a bunch of rad records from ebay
+Spending time with friends
+Show on Friday was pretty good
+Skipping a weak sauce poker party
+work gathering not being crappy at all
+the Boiler

-the Boiler (he totally owes me $12 cuz I babysat him for 4 hours)
-too hot, fuck summer
-not working
-didn't spend enough time with my records
-people who drink

1 comment:

Laura said...

Sounds crazy. check out my blog, it's inspirational!