Saturday, September 8, 2007

What We Hate

After complaining about the banality of "weekend party" blogs, I'm about to take a piss in that trough. Oh well. Another weekend, another house-sitting party for a bunch of losers who don't have houses of their own. Beats growing up.

Eat it till it's gone.

Of course the Tracist made tons of great food, as always.

Things got silly.

There was some great TV

Mexican Bloke pulled a chocolate bar out of nowhere.

and shared.

Food pwned.

Nate got a new hat and ate cake.

Sarde fucking with Pandora's Box

Cam made a pretty serious return to form.

Natalie loves having her photo taken, also she never shuts up.

Beeps cake.

Ty-Guy getting kinda serious.

and because you really can't have too much of a good thing...


next post will be interesting, I promise.

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