Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hate say I told you so

Just kidding, I love it.

McCarthyism part two.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Let the blackballing begin....

While I think that Nader could have chosen his words more carefully, what is ultimately a lame play on words is pretty much going to end the career of someone who held a lot of leftist hopes for the better part of a decade. A poor choice of words means that no one is going to answer the very valid questions he was asking, and sets a very dangerous precident for anyone critical of Barack Obama. No doubt in my mind that Obama was the best of the candidates for the job, but Nader was the only candidate asking the questions I was asking. It's just unfortunate that the Amecican social climate is so knee-jerky that some poor taste disqualifies the validity of his questions. Accountability is out the door, "change" is the new buzz. Canadians are jumping on the bandwagon, even though few of them muster more commentary than "Well, Bush is just an idiot and Obama sounds like he knows what he's talking about". Hollywood Politics.

Seeing as how I live in Canada, I'm doubtful that the election will affect my life meaningfully at all. While a modicum of change is inevitable, I'm not holding my breath(much like the Bush's presidency had no real affect on my life). The same system is intact and it's going to be fine. I'd love to be wrong though.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Where ya been?

Not on the computer writing things no one reads. Probably not going to change anytime soon.
Some summer pictures, so what?

Chronic Seizure


Big Bry looking great!

Legendary Dudes



Nate being a totally cool guy.

Search and Destroy at War On

A new friend

Sometimes old people can have fun too, sometimes.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Goodbye, Ty-Guy!

As I'm sure some of you know, Tyson AKA Ty-Guy Shwaluk died today. Let this be a lesson that smoking kills. Instead of turning this into a eulogy, I just want to remember the good times. Tyson had a smile that could light up a room. I'll miss you good buddy!

See you soon.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sunday, April 20, 2008

420 Retard Convention

Wanna know why everyone hates young people? Sorry these aren't in order, boo hoo.

Oh Cannabis
"Maybe my rat would like to dance in the dirt with me?"

This hygienic guy was there, obviously. Lock up your daughters.

This was kind of a hard shot to get. Some clown shoe, who just blew snot all over his face and clothes. All his friends were laughing at him. Traitors.

"Alright, I'm just take a seat and read a book, I'm a fucking momo and my name is this guy"

I think this guy is in Brain Handle

Who woulda thought there would be idiots with drums? The didgeridoo was icing on the cake. Who would wanna dance to that?

I was wrong. Two freaks and a pervert, dancing in dirt.

These kids spent like 5 minutes trying to give me a good shot of them with their gasmask weed thing. They never did really give me the shot they desperately wanted to, but they still get MCL for trying.

Two real winners. Apex of humanity right here.


OBV Sam was there. He was probably wearing this shirt because it was the most psychedelic thing in his wardrobe.

"Hey freak, let's see your hat!"

You can see my shirt because I had to hide my camera. Somehow I don't think "Hey freak, you look like Silent Bob, let me take your picture!" would have flown.

These kids were probably narcs.

Ty Guy got really stressical about these garbage cans on the way there. Quelle domage!
Individual style.
"Hey man, why are you here?" "Weed!" "Oh, okay"

"Hey you!, what does your sign say?" "Oh..."

"Hey you, I'm gonna take your picture, party a little!" and this is what I got. A little effort would have been nice.

Fuck them all.